School and Daycare
A Guide to School and Daycare for Foster Children
Childcare for Young Foster Children
There are a number of resources available to help foster parents find and pay for daycare for young foster children.
Childcare Subsidies
All foster families are eligible for subsidized daycare to cover childcare and daycare through the school readiness program, regardless of income. There may be funding available on a short term basis from your CBC. For more information, see the Childcare section of the Finances Guide.
Finding Childcare
- If you want to receive subsidized care, you will need to ensure you send your child to a daycare that accepts School Readiness Funding.
- You can search for your local Early Learning Cooalition for more information.

School and Education
Foster parents play an important role in education.

Foster parents are responsible for making sure their children attend school, arrive on time, and receive the support they need. Stay in regular contact with teachers and administrators to ensure that your child receives any services they may require.
Where to Attend
When possible, it is best for children in foster care to continue attending their prior school when possible. In some cases, arrangements can be made for bus routes to be altered to accomodate the child’s new living circumstances. Contact the child’s school to see what options are available.
In some cases, children must change schools due to distance. In these cases, try to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Learn More About Foster Care
The following guides can help get you up to speed on several important aspects of foster care in Orlando.
Learn about financial support available for foster parents.
Learn about healthcare topics such as doctors visits and insurance.
The Legal System
Learn about family court, hearings, and child custody.
Caseworkers and Visits
Learn about the different types of caseworkers, home visits, and parent visits.
New Placements
Learn about what to ask when receiving a new placement and the first week in care
School and Daycare
Learn more about education, school, and daycare.
Adoption and Permanency
Learn about foster care, adoption, and foster-to-adopt.
Foster Care Policies
Learn about policies like travel and babysitters